The First Eight Years 1993-99
The first regular meeting was held on 27th February 1991 and was attended by 24 Members and 56 Visitors. Nine Joining Members were elected, of which two – Bros Robert Kennedy and John Rogers – were immediately appointed as Stewards and Bro Vic Carmichael was welcomed as the Lodge’s Tyler (he had been elected at the Consecration meeting before he officially became a Member). In addition, three Candidates were elected for Initiation, two of whom, Richard Parsons and Donald Hayward were then admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry. It was announced that R.W.Bro. Bullen was standing down as Provincial Grand Master and that V.W.Bro. Alan Chun would be his successor. Two additional Honorary Members were proposed.
At the April meeting W. Bro. Allan Calloway presented Bro. Vic Carmichael, who had joined from St Ninian Lodge No. 66 in the Scottish Constitution (S.C.), with his English Grand Lodge certificate. The Secretary announced that he was withdrawing the proposal that W.Bros the Rev. Tony Miller P.A.G.Chap., Prov.A.G.Chap. and J.E. Marchant P.Pr.A.G.D.C. be elected as Honorary Members. The Founders had decided that this honour should be reserved solely for serving or ex-Members of the Airborne Forces and those closely connected to them– he had diplomatically explained to the said Brethren why this decision had been taken! A further four Joining Members were elected, four Candidates for Initiation were balloted for and Derek Thompson and William Wood were initiated. The Secretary announced that, in view of the number of Candidates coming forward for Initiation, the Committee had decided on a trial basis to work two ceremonies at each meeting rather than incur the expense of increasing the number of meetings. The news that the Worshipful Master had been appointed as the Prov.G.St.B of Berkshire was greeted with acclaim.
In September the Lodge welcomed its Visiting Grand Officer (V.G.O.), W.Bro. Keith Muir-Hunt P.A.G.D.C. for the first time. Four more Joining Members were elected and a Candidate for Initiation was successfully balloted for. The Master invited W.Bro. Bill King to occupy the Chair in order to pass Bros Thompson and Wood. The Lodge was then called-off for half-an-hour. On being called-on, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the North of the Province, W.Bro. Robin Atkins P.S.G.D. was admitted and duly saluted with five. The W.M. then proceeded to initiate Christopher Frost and Robert Watchorn. Donations of £50 were made as follows: - to the New Masonic Samaritan Fund (N.M.S.F.), to the Provincial Comforts Fund (Prov.C.F.) and to the Building Bricks Fund (a local children’s charity). The W.M. thanked W.Bro. Bertie Fordham for the beautiful Tracing Boards and others items of Lodge furniture that he had so expertly made.
In November the Lodge entertained W.Bro. Digby Woods P.S.G.D., Dep.Prov.G.M. (Berkshire) in his capacity as W.M. of Aldworth Lodge and 51 other Visitors. It proved to be the first meeting at which no Initiates or Joining Members were balloted for. However, Alan Mortimer and James Bain were initiated, the former becoming the Lodge’s 50th Member. Ballots were taken for the W.M., Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing year. A further £500 was donated to the 1994 Festival for the R.M.B.I., but a slightly sour note was introduced when the annual subscription was raised to £33. W.Bro. Robin Parsons presented the Lodge with a beautiful Master’s Chain Collar; Bro. Charles Bland presented an aluminium plaque wrought in the form of a souvenir ticket for a flight to Arnhem, made from part of a glider that crashed there during Operation Market Garden; and a Lectern was presented, which had been carved and constructed by Bro. Bertie Fordham. In December the Secretary drew up an inventory of Lodge property which is detailed in Chapter 10.
Bros Frost and Watchorn were passed by Elvetham Lodge No. 4013, meeting in Hartley Wintney on 28th January 1992.
Thus commenced a stream of second and third degree ceremonies worked for Pegasus over the next 16 years by less fortunate Lodges, who were struggling for Candidates.
The summons for the Installation meeting in February 1992 was issued under the authority of the Senior Warden, W.Bro. James Ackerman, as the W.M. had died suddenly on 10th December the previous year. The Lodge was opened with due solemnity by the Acting I.P.M., W.Bro. Bill King. Albert Gould delivered a moving eulogy on the late Robbie Parsons, who had been the Lodge’s Founding Father and the Chaplain read the Airborne Forces collect. Fortuitously an Organist had been found that evening in the person of W.Bro. Charles Kennedy of Charles Nicholl Lodge, who then played the #“Ride of the Valkyries”. In the early days of the Lodge both the music and collect were to become a feature after eulogies to late Members. W.Bro. King then proceeded to induct W.Bro. James Ackerman as the second Master. The custom of asking the Masters of local Lodges to occupy the S.W., J.W. and I.G. Offices for the installation ceremony was instituted with W.Bro. P.J. Banham, the W.M. of Panmure Lodge; W.Bro. I.F. Hovell, the W.M. of Aldershot Royal Engineers’ Lodge No. 4178; and W.Bro. J.W. Stephenson, the I.P.M. of Yateley Lodge taking the respective Offices. The new Master was presented with a pair of silver Pegasus cufflinks to be worn during his year in the Chair, which had been donated to the Lodge by Bro. John Horsburgh (Jun.) of Aldershot Camp Lodge.
Bros Hayward and Parsons were passed by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No. 9263 in Winchester on 28th February 1992.
In April Bros Thompson and Wood were raised and W.Bro. Charles Kennedy was officially appointed as the Lodge’s acting Organist. He was to serve the Lodge faithfully in this role until September 1997. The Secretary announced details of the special 275th Anniversary Meeting of Grand Lodge to be held at the Earls Court Arena on 10th June 1992 and the Thanksgiving Service to be held in the Royal Garrison Church of All Saints, Aldershot four days later. The Lodge donated £100 to obtain a 275th Anniversary jewel to be appended to the Master’s collar. The Anniversary meeting was “open”, in that the Press and non-Masons
#The "Ride of the Valkyries" (German: Walkürenritt or Ritt der Walküren) is the popular term for the music at the beginning of Act 3 of The Valkyrie (Die Walküre), the second of the four Operas by Richard Wagner that constitute his Ring Cycle (Der Ring des Nibelungen). It is the music of the Quick March of the Parachute Regiment.
(especially wives) were invited to attend. It was a magnificent occasion, with over 12,500 people present. As an aside, W.Bro. Mike Thomas and the Author were privileged to have been invited to help provide medical cover for the event.
An emergency meeting was held in June when two In-Pensioners at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, Sgt Arthur Butler B.E.M. and Sgt Thomas Battle were initiated. These two spritely “Old Soldiers” thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and looked resplendent in their crimson frock-coats complete with Para. wings and numerous medals. At the regular meeting in September another Joining Member was elected and Bro. Watchorn was raised.
Bro. Bain was passed by Alder Tree Lodge No. 9289 in Aldershot on 5th May and then raised by Landport Lodge No. 1776 in Guildhall Walk, Portsmouth on 17th September. Bro. Mortimer was passed and raised by Mercury Lodge No. 4581 in Farnborough on 28th October and 27th January 1993.
In November a further three Joining Members were admitted, one of whom, Bro. James Tweedie was required to take an obligation to the United Grand Lodge of England (U.G.L.E.) as he was a member of Airdrie St John Lodge No. 166 (S.C.). George Lambe and William Smith were initiated.
At the Installation meeting in February 1993 the Lodge entertained R.W.Bro. James Terry P.J.G.W., O.S.M., who had long been associated with the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (R.M.B.I.) and the Brethren saluted him with seven. They then saluted V.W.Bro. Digby Woods P.G.SuptWks, Dep.Prov.G.M. (Berkshire) with five. W.Bro. Capt. D.E. Morgan (R.E.), W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge acted as S.W.; W.Bro. Lt Col G.E. Evans O.B.E., A.R.C.M. (D.M. R.M.S.M.), W.M. of Andover Combined Services Lodge No. 8300 as J.W.; and W.Bro. C.T.H. Hazell B.E.M. (Q.M.S.(S.) R.M.), W.M. of Royal Marine Portsmouth Lodge No. 6423 as I.G. Bro. David Parker was then installed as the third Master. The Lodge was called-off. On being called-on, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Malcolm Slater P.A.G.D.C. announced the arrival of the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro Alan Chun M.B.E. He was admitted, saluted with seven, occupied the Chair and proceeded to dedicate the Lodge Banner in due form in the presence of 43 Members and 122 Visitors. The new Banner was trooped around the Lodge by Bro. Albert Gould and an Oration was delivered by W.Bro. the Rev. Bill Wilson P.A.G.Chap. Sadly no copy of what he said has survived.
The intentions of the Founders are clearly demonstrated by the symbols decorating the Lodge banner. The sky-blue Pegasus ridden by Bellerophon on a maroon background acknowledges the colours and emblems of the Airborne Forces. This badge is complimented by the great emblems that adorn every Freemason’s Lodge, namely the Squared Pavement, the two Great Pillars supporting the Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, the Working Tools of the three degrees and the Rough and Smooth Ashlars. In addition the Square and Compasses are bordered by the Lodge’s Latin motto – “Superbe Serviunt”, which is a fitting sobriquet for Members of the Masonic Brotherhood, who have had the honour of wearing the red beret.
The banner was designed by W.Bro. Gerry Cooper P.Pr.J.G.D, a Past Master of Ferneberga Lodge, who was a local Printer.
... The Lodge Banner
A note by W.Bro. Ernie Caley is attached to the minutes reference the bronze Pegasus surmounting the Banner Pole: -
“You will be interested to know that the Pegasus on the top of our Banner Pole was moulded from bronze nails taken from the #Mary Rose, a Tudor warship, which was raised from the sea near Portsmouth. They fell into a kit-bag that found its way to the Para. Depot in Aldershot. A mould was made, the nails were melted down and eight Pegasus models were caste. A very well-known Paratrooper, *Capt. John Ridgeway M.B.E., who rowed the Atlantic while still serving and who owned the kit-bag had four, the Ex-Pioneer Sergeant had two and the Ex-Pioneer Corporal had two. W.Bro. Ron Follett told me about them and now the Ex-Pioneer Corporal has one and £35. He has been a good friend to the Lodge, having painted our ¬Lodge Honours Board”.
#The Mary Rose was a carrack-type warship in the Tudor Navy of King Henry VIIIth. After serving for 33 years, she saw her last action on 19 July 1545 and while leading the attack on a French invasion fleet she sank in the Solent. The wreck of the Mary Rose was discovered in 1971, salvaged in 1982 and is now on display in the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.
*Capt. John Ridgeway rowed the Atlantic (approx.: 3,500 miles) from Cape Cod to Kilronan in Aran along with his old Platoon Sergeant, Chay Blythe in a 20 foot open dory named “English Rose lllrd” in 92 days (4th June - 3rd September 1966).
¬The Honours Board is mounted on the South wall of the Farnborough Temple.
English Rose 111

Pegasus Forces Lodge Honours Board (as at Dec 2011)

In April Leslie Myers and William Dunt were initiated and W.Bros Ron Follett and James Ackerman were congratulated on their forthcoming promotion to P.Pr.J.G.W. and appointment as P.Pr.J.G.D. respectively. W.Bro. James had also been appointed as the Prov.Dep.G.D.C. of Berkshire – this news drew additional applause. The Secretary also announced that W.Bro. Eric Wright had been installed as W.M. of the Lodge of Friendship, meeting in Petersfield. In September a further two Joining Members were recruited and James McCready and Edward Sines were initiated. Despite the annual subscription being increased to £35, donations were made as follows: - £75 to the N.M.S.F., £75 to the Prov.C.F., £50 to the Airborne Forces Security Fund (A/B.F.S.F.) and £50 to a charity of the W.M’s choice (not named). The Secretary announced that due to the problems associated with accommodation and especially dining in Aldershot the Founders had decided to restrict membership to approximately 80 and that in future all prospective Joining Members would be informed that they would be expected to take an active part in Lodge affairs.
Bro. Lambe was passed by Mercury Lodge on 27th October, Bro. Bain was passed by Aldershot Royal Engineers Lodge on 9th November and Bro. Myers was passed by Loyalty Lodge on 11th November 1993. All three meet at Farnborough.
In November Bros Butler and Battle were passed and the election of Officers for the ensuing year was undertaken before the Lodge was called-off. On being called-on, the acting Provincial D.C., W.Bro. I.M. Middleton B.E.M., Prov.A.G.D.C. announced the arrival of the A.Prov.G.M., W.Bro. Bob Mills-Goodlet P.S.G.D., who was making an official visit. He was duly saluted with five. W.Bro. Charles Bailey then took the Chair and initiated John Rowney and Dennis Priestley. It was agreed that the number of meetings should be increased to five and that the additional one should be held on the 4th Wednesday in March. The Secretary announced that Province had given permission for the Pegasus tie to be worn by duly qualified Visitors to the Lodge, but had refused to allow other Corps, Regimental or Battalion ties to be worn – a rule that is now widely ignored!
Bro. Dunt was passed by Lodge of Friendship in Petersfield on 4th January 1994.
At the Installation meeting in February 1994 W.Bro. Maj. F. Conroy (R.E.), a P.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge acted as S.W.; W.Bro. G.G. Andrews, W.M. of Ferneberga Lodge as J.W.; and W.Bro. J. Jennings, W.M. of Aldershot Camp Lodge as I.G. Bro. George Stow was then installed as the fourth Master. Sadly, the Treasurer had to announce the exclusion of two Members for failure to pay their annual subscriptions.
Bros Lambe and Smith were raised by Loyalty Lodge on 10th March 1994.
At the March meeting the Lodge welcomed its new V.G.O., W.Bro. Wally Woods P.A.G.D.C., who, as an ex-R.E.M.E. Warrant Officer, was eminently qualified for the appointment. Three more Joining Members were elected and Bros McCready and Sines were passed to the second degree by W.Bro. Brian Pugsley. The Lodge was then called-off and when called-on again Terrance Hollingsworth and Louis Bonnefin were initiated.
Bros Priestley and Rowney were passed by Loyalty Lodge on 14th April 1994.
In April the Lodge’s first Lewis, Wayne Gould B.E.M. was initiated. Originally, like his father, he had served in 2 Para., but at the time he was balloted for he was a W.O.1. #(Conductor ) in 25 Freight Distribution Squadron (The Carmens) of the Royal Logistic Corps, based at the Gun Park, Bicester. His father, W.Bro. “Dad” acted as J.D. during the ceremony; the Working Tools were presented and explained by Bro. “Brother-in-law” D. Vaughan of Aldershot Camp Lodge; and the Charge after Initiation was delivered by W.Bro. “Uncle”, W. Kerr P.Dist.S.G.D. (Gibraltar) of Royal Lodge of Friendship No. 378 meeting on the Rock. A very special evening was witnessed by 40 Members and 56 Visitors.
Bro. Dunt was raised by Culham College Lodge No. 2951 in Oxford on 11th June 1994.
In September the death of Bro. Christopher Frost was marked with suitable tribute paid by W.Bro. Charles Bailey, who had served with him in the Guards Independent Parachute Company. The mood of the Brethren was elevated by the initiation of two more Candidates in the persons of John Cox and Brian Faulkner D.C.M. Donations were made as follows: - £75 to the N.M.S.F., £75 to the Prov.C.F., £50 to the A/B.F.S.F. and £50 to a charity of the Master’s choice(not named).
Bro. Bonnefin was passed by Mitcham Lodge No. 2384 in Surbiton on 17th October, Bros Sines and Priestley were raised by Mercury Lodge on 26th October, Bro. Myers was raised by Aldershot Royal Engineers Lodge on 11th October, Bro. Faulkner was passed by Leigh Chase Lodge No. 6804 in Southend-on-Sea on 5th November and Bros McCready and Rowney were raised by Loyalty Lodge on 10th November 1994.At the November meeting the death of Bro. Brian
Van Wyk was marked by suitable tribute and Keith Elliott and James MacKenzie were initiated. The Secretary announced that the Lodge had joined the Circle of Service Lodges, which had been formed in 1993.
Bros Butler and Battle were raised by City of London Rifles Lodge No. 5608 in Great Queen Street, London on 13th December 1994 and Bro Bonnefin by Mitcham Lodge on 20th January 1995.
At the Installation meeting in February 1995 W.Bro. Maj. R.H. Cruickshank (R.C.T.), the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge acted as S.W.; W.Bro. I.D.G. Marshall, W.M. of Ferneberga Lodge as J.W.; and W.Bro. S.J. Williams, W.M. of Earl of Malmesbury Lodge as I.G. Bro. David Sykes was then installed as the fifth Master. After the investiture of the Lodge Officers, a silver teapot was presented to W.Bro. Ron Follett to mark his retirement as Treasurer. The Secretary announced that in future it would only be possible to dine a maximum of 107 Brethren. In the event of numbers exceeding this figure, which was only likely to happen on Installation evenings (127 were dining that evening), the Master-elect would have first call on guests after the Brethren had been accommodated and thereafter places would be allocated to Member’s guests by ballot. W.Bros Caley and Fitzgibbons
#The appointment of Conductor R.L.C. is the most senior Non-Commissioned rank in the Army, senior to all other W.O.1s including R.S.Ms. It is the only Non-Commissioned rank to be recorded on the Statute Books in Westminster.
presented the Lodge with two Pegasus models to be placed on the pedestals of the S.W. and J.W.
Bro. Gould was passed by Culham College Lodge on 11th March 1995.
In March the Past Masters initiated Patrick O‘Leary. W.Bros Brian Pugsley acted as W.M., Doug Nimmo as S.W., Bill King as S.D., David Parker as J.D., Harry Hovell as I.G and Terence Dalton continued as J.W. The Working Tools were presented and explained by Bill King and the Charge after Initiation was delivered by Norman Howes. The announcement that Bill King and Bertie Fordham had been appointed as P.Pr.A.G.D.C. and P.Pr.A.G.SuptWks respectively and that Brian Pugsley had been promoted to P.Pr.Dep.G.Reg in Middlesex was greeted with acclaim, as was the news that the Lodge had qualified as a Patron of the R.M.B.I.
Bro. O’Leary was passed by Mitcham Lodge on 12th September 1995.
At the September meeting Bros Elliott and MacDonald were passed to the second degree, but the morale of the Brethren was somewhat dented when it was necessary to increase the annual subscription to £45. However, the Charity Steward was still able to make the following donations: - £100 to the N.M.S.F. (mini-Festival), £100 to the Provincial Grand Charity (Prov.G.C.) – the Tommy Langton Fund (1995/97 mini-Festival) and £75 to the Prov.C.F. The announcements that W.Bro. Oliver Atkins had been promoted to S.L.G.R., that W.Bro. Edward Fitzgibbons had been appointed to L.G.R. and that Charles Bailey had been installed as the second Master of Household Division Lodge No. 9545 were greeted with acclaim. The Secretary announced the resignation due to ill-health of W.Bro. Eric Small P.Pr.G.Reg. (Somerset), one of the few remaining survivors of the fighting on the Bridge at Arnhem. Bro. Ernie had informed Bro Eric that he would always be welcome to attend meetings if he ever felt able to travel from Taunton. Bro. Wayne Gould presented the Lodge with a set place mats for the dining table.
Bro. O’Leary was raised by Mitcham Lodge on 16th October 1995.
In November three more Joining Members were welcomed and Bros Hollingsworth and Faulkner were raised to the third degree.
Bro. Cox was passed by Lodge of Benefaction No. 5318 in Great Queen Street, London on 20th December 1995 and Bro. Gould was raised by Loyalty Lodge on 8th February 1996.
At the Installation meeting in February 1996 W.Bro. Lt Col W.G. Withers R.L.C., the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge acted as S.W.; W.Bro. D.M. Welch, the W.M. of Panmure Lodge as J.W.; and W.Bro. Capt. A.G. Newing (R.M.), the W.M. of Royal Marine Portsmouth Lodge as I.G. W.Bro. Bill King P.Pr.A.G.D.C. was then inducted as the sixth Master. W.Bro. Bertie Fordham presented the Lodge with a Jacob’s Ladder that he had crafted.
In April the death of Robert Bell was marked with suitable tribute and Steve Hood and Richard Stacey were initiated. A donation of £450 was made to the Prov.G.C. mini-festival. A By-law change was agreed to enable the Treasurer to present the annual Lodge accounts in April. In September another Joining Member was elected and Bros MacKenzie and Hood were passed by the W.M. After a break for tea, W.Bro. Charles Bailey took the Chair and initiated Paul Smith and John (Blue) Cole. The W.M. presented W.Bro. Ernie Caley with a maroon Glider Pilot Regiment tie, which had been sent to the Lodge by W.Bro. Maj. Jack Easter an ex-Member of that Regiment in appreciation of the welcome he had received when he visited the Lodge. The promotion of W.Bro. Nigel Buckingham, the Consecrating Prov.Sec to J.G.D. was announced to acclaim.
Bro. Smith was passed by St Mary Lodge No. 7304 in Havant on 30th October and Bro. Hood was raised by Loyalty Lodge on 14th November 1996.
In November W.Bro. Lt Col John Harvey A.G.D.C. (R.A.M.C.) made his first visit as the Lodge’s new V.G.O. That evening the Lodge also entertained the Provincial Grand Master for Berkshire, R.W.Bro. Digby Woods, who was duly saluted with seven. Bros MacKenzie and MacDonald were raised and £75 was donated to the Prov.C.F. The Master of the Parachute Lodge, W.Bro. Don Tidiman presented the Lodge with gauntlets for the W.M., S.W. and J.W., which were gratefully received and immediately worn by the said Officers.
Bro. Stacey was passed by Panmure Lodge in Aldershot on 14th January and Bro. Elliott by Loyalty Lodge on 13th February 1997.
At the Installation meeting in February 1997 the Lodge received an official visit from the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. George Davies P.S.G.D, who was admitted and saluted with five under the direction of the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Alan Hamilton. W.Bro. Lt Col W.G. Withers R.L.C., the I.P.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge acted as S.W.; W.Bro. K.R. Burnigham, the W.M. of Panmure Lodge as J.W.; and W.Bro. C.W. Laskey P.Pr.S.G.W. (South Wales E.D.), a P.M. of Howardian Lodge No. 5317 as I.G. W.Bro. Alan Lee P.Pr.J.G.D. (South Wales E.D.) was then inducted as the seventh Master. To complete a South Wales evening the A.Prov.G.M. and P.A.Pr.G.M. of that Province, W.Bros Stuart Peters and Sam Northway delivered the addresses to the Master and Wardens respectively and it was announced that Bro. John Profitt was to be appointed as its Provincial Tyler. In addition, W.Bro. Frank Maidment was to be promoted to P.Pr.Dep.G.Reg in Middlesex. Two alms bags made from red berets were presented by Bros Brian Faulkner and Blue Cole. The former informed the Brethren that his had been worn on Mount Longdon during the Falklands campaign and the latter assured them that his had been worn at a 2 Para. “Smoker”!
Bro. Cole was passed and raised by Old Portmuthian Lodge No. 8285 in the Phoenix Rooms, Old Portsmouth on 20th January and 17th March, Bro. Stacey was raised by Landport Lodge on 20th March and Bro. Smith was raised by Portus Magnus Lodge No. 6530 in Cosham on 11th April 1997.
In April the Lodge mourned the death of its second Master, W.Bro. John Ackerman P.Pr.J.G.D. The mood of the Brethren was elevated when the Lodge’s 100th Member was initiated. It is not clear as to which of the two Candidates – Reginald Planson and Paul Wright – qualified for this honour as they appear in that order on the summons for ballot, but are referred to in the reverse order throughout the minutes of the ceremony. The Author has favoured the summons rather than the minutes in the Roll of Members. The Lodge welcomed as a Visitor, W.Bro. R. Allen P.Pr.S.G.D. (Durham), a Member of Peace and Unity Lodge No. 6312, who had served in the Parachute Regiment at its inception in 1940. A donation of £75 was made to the Gurkha Welfare Trust. W.Bro. William Gardiner P.Pr.J.G.D. (Kent) reported on a most enjoyable visit he had made to the American 82nd Airborne in Virginia with W.Bro. Ted Hold I.S.M., P.Pr.J.G.W. (Durham) and Bros John Farrington, Edward Sines and Norman McKay. The Master congratulated W.Bro. Ernie Caley on his promotion to P.Pr.S.G.W. and W.Bro. Doug Nimmo on his appointment as a Prov.A.G.D.C..It was also announced that W.Bro. John Profitt Prov.G.Tyl. (South Wales E.D.) had been installed as Master of St Catherine’s Lodge No. 9503 and W.Bro. Ian Petty as Master of Andover Combined Services Lodge.
On 9th July M.W.Bro. the #Rt Hon. the Earl Cadogan M.C., D.L., P.Pro.G.M. died and three months Masonic mourning was ordered.
Bro. White was passed by Andover Combined Services Lodge on 15th September 1997.
In September the Lodge’s usual acting Organist was not able to undertake the duty due to ill health and W.Bro. E.L. Whiting P.Pr.G.SuptWks (E. Kent) stood in for him. The death of Bro. Arthur Butler B.E.M. was suitably acknowledged and the Brethren also stood to order in memory of the Past Pro-Grand Master. Three more Joining Members were elected, one of whom, Bro. Neil McCreadie, being a Member of the Gael Lodge No. 609 (S.C.), took the necessary obligation of loyalty to the U.G.L.E. Thereafter George Murphy and John Batty were initiated and £75 was donated to the Prov.C.F. The Charity Steward announced that the Lodge had achieved its target of £912-50 in respect of the Tommy Langton Fund (Prov.G.C.) mini Festival and had received a certificate to that effect. The Secretary announced that W.Bro. Charles Bailey had been appointed as P.Pr.S.G.D. in Buckinghamshire and that W.Bro. David Edwards had been installed as Master of Circle of Sussex Lodge. He reported the death in Taunton of a one time Member, W.Bro. Eric Small, who had fought in A Coy 2 Para. on the Bridge at Arnhem alongside W.Bro. Graham Scopes. He also stated that another Arnhem veteran, W.Bro. Joseph Roberts P.Pr.J.G.W. (South Wales E.D.) had presented the Lodge with a gavel, which had once been the property of Capt. Harry Roberts 1 A/B. Wksp R.E.M.E., who had been seriously wounded on landing by glider at Arnhem. The head was made from a stone from King Solomon’s mines in Jerusalem and the handle from a piece of acacia wood. Bro. Joe felt that its fitting resting place should be with the effects of Pegasus Forces Lodge. The Secretary then announced the results of a postal ballot held to determine the Member’s views on the proposed Aldershot re-building project. The vote was 68 against and three for. The Lodge Committee would recommend to Aldershot Properties that a Working Party be set up to consider combining resources with Farnborough. Finally, Charles Bailey reported that 20 potential Founders had been identified
#Won his M.C. as a Capt. in the C.Gds and on transferring to the Reserve of Officers commanded the R.Wilts Yeo. as a Lt Col
for a Pegasus Forces Royal Arch Chapter and that at least 10 Brethren had declared an interest in being exalted.
In November Bros Murphy and Batty were passed and W.Bro. E. Harris P.Pr.G.Reg (E. Kent) stood-in as Organist.
Bro. White was raised by Andover Combined Services Lodge on 15th December 1997, Bro. Murphy was raised by Loyalty Lodge on 8th January 1998 and Bro. Planson was passed and raised by Old Tauntonian Lodge No. 5735 (the Author’s Old School Lodge) in Great Queen Street, London on 5th December 1997 and 6th February 1998.
At the Installation meeting in February 1998 the death of the Lodge’s acting Organist, W.Bro. Charles Kennedy P.Pr.J.G.D. (Berkshire) was suitably acknowledged. His place was filled by W.Bro. Robert Begg, the W.M. of In Arduis Fidelis Lodge No. 3432 (the R.A.M.C. Lodge, which meets in Great Queen Street, London), who played “The Ride of the Valkyries” as a mark of the Member’s respect for departed merit. Bro. Begg was to fill the role of acting Organist until the Lodge moved to Bordon in September 1999. W.Bro. Col D.C. Robson (L/R.A.M.C.) the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge acted as S.W.; W.Bro. K. Marsh the W.M. of Semper Fidelis Lodge No. 6664 as J.W.; and W.Bro. S.M. Allum, the W.M. of Loyalty Lodge as I.G. Bro. Albert Gould was then installed as the eighth Master. A visitor of note that evening was W.Bro. Maj. Jim Webber M.C., P.J.G.D. (a past Prov.G.M. of Somerset in the Mark Degree), who had jumped with and later commanded “A” Coy, 7 (L.I.) Para. on D-Day in Normandy. He was the guest of W.Bro. Ron Follett P.Pr.J.G.W., who had been one of his N.C.Os that day. Both had been wounded during the course of capturing and holding the bridges crossing the Caen Canal and the River Orne at Bénouville and Ranville and were treated in the Dressing Station set up in what is now the Pegasus Café. The Author’s proposer into Freemasonry, W.Bro. Maj. John Went P.A.G.D.C., also jumped with them that day.
Before the close of the meeting the Secretary announced that R.W. Bro. Alan Chun was standing down as Prov.G.M. and that V.W.Bro. Ernest Moss would be installed in his place at the Provincial meeting in July. The Grand Secretary, R.W.Bro. Cdr Michael Higham P.G.J.W., (R.N.) would also be retiring and W.Bro. Jim Daniel S.G.D. had been appointed in his place. W.Bro. Allan Calloway’s apologies for absence because of a heavy cold were recorded and the Secretary noted that: “Royal Marines and Sailors always seemed to catch something when they visited Pompey and that was probably why Airborne types liked to keep to a nice town like Aldershot”! A Collar’s Stand was presented by Bro. Hugh Calder and was used for the first time that evening during the investiture of the Lodge Officers.
In April another Joining Member was recruited and Christopher Chambers and Alan Holmes were initiated. The sum of £450 was donated to Aldershot Masonic Properties towards the purchase of lightweight dining tables. The Secretary announced that Stuart Peters had been promoted as Dep.Prov.G.M. of South Wales E.D. and would be invested as such on 18th March. In addition Doug Nimmo had been promoted to P.Pr.Dep.G.D.C. The W.M., Albert Gould informed the Members that he had attended St Thomas Lodge No. 6574 to celebrate W.Bro. Allan Callaway’s 50th anniversary in Freemasonry and had presented him with a suitably engraved tankard from the Lodge.
In September David Murphy and Alan Goreing were initiated and £75 was donated to the Prov.C.F. It was announced that W.Bro. Alan Lee had been promoted to P.Pr.J.G.W. in South Wales E.D. and that W.Bro. Bertie Fordham P.Pr.A.G.SuptWks had been appointed to L.G.R. W.Bro. Charles Bailey announced that he had only been able to get 14 potential Founders for a Pegasus Forces Chapter and that this number was insufficient to go ahead with the project. He would revisit the idea in two or three years time. The Members were saddened to learn that as a result of the formation of 16 Air Assualt Brigade on 1st September, which had become part of the Tri-Service Joint Helicopter Command the Pegasus shoulder flash would no longer be worn by Airborne Soldiers and would be replaced by an Eagle. In November W.Bro. Brian Pugsley took the Chair in order to initiate Terrance McCourt and Graham Bolt. The Secretary announced the resignation of Bro. Oliver Atkins on the grounds of advancing age. He had commented in his letter that it was 55 years since he had done his parachute training with one #2/Lt Anthony Farrar-Hockley.
Bro. Holmes was passed and raised by Old Tauntonian Lodge on 4th December 1998 and 5th February 1999.
Prior to the meeting in February 1999 the possibility of moving to Bordon had been investigated, as the problems associated with converting the Aldershot Masonic Temple into a dining room after meetings had been causing a considerable amount of grumbling among the Members. A package had been negotiated with Bordon Masonic Properties, which included rent at £183-75 per meeting, plus the Temple and dining room being set up and cleared for £50 per meeting (£10 extra if over 100 dined) and a £20 levy to employ an extra person in the bar if more than 60 dined. Meeting dates would have to be changed to the second Wednesday in February (Installation), April, September and November. A questionnaire had been circulated to all the Members and they voted 79 for and 5 against the move, which would entail an additional 11 mile journey for most of them. At the February meeting the Members attending voted 45 to 4 to move to Bordon, thus achieving the necessary two-thirds majority needed to change the By-laws. In the event the Lodge left Aldershot, their home for eight years (the Consecration, 36 meetings and one emergency meeting had been held there) amicably and in acknowledgment of the hospitality they had received there donated the Lodge’s £50 share to Aldershot Masonic Properties. W.Bro. Flt Lt P.F. Jowitt (R.A.F.) the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge then occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. D.E. Waple the W.M. of Camelot Lodge No. 8553 the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. A. Wingfield P.Pr.Dep.G.D.C., the W.M. of Loyalty Lodge acted as I.G. W.Bro. Edward Fitzgibbons P.Pr.S.G.D. (Berkshire), L.G.R. was then inducted as the ninth Master. The
#Gen. Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley G.B.E., K.C.B., D.S.O. & Bar, M.C. retired from the Army in 1982, his last appointment being C-in-C North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (N.A.T.O.) Allied Forces in Northern Europe. During an eminent military career “Para. Farrar” had commanded 3 Para. (1962 - 64) and 16 Para. Bde (1966 - 68).
Brethren acknowledged the work of Bro. Dennis Priestley, who had refurbished the Lodge Officer’s collar, as good as new!
In April another Joining Member was welcomed and Joseph de Hoop and Arlen Richardson were initiated. It was announced that V.W.Bro. Stuart Peters Dep.Prov.G.M. (South Wales E.D.) had that afternoon been invested in Grand Lodge as P.G.SwdB. and that W.Bro. Doug Nimmo P.Pr.Dep.G.D.C. and Charley Bailey P.Pr.S.G.D. (Buckinghamshire) were to be appointed to active Provincial Office as Prov.Dep.G.D.C. and Prov.A.G.Purs. respectively.
The first meeting in the beautiful new Temple at Bordon was held on 8th September 1999, all the necessary changes to the By-laws having been approved by Province. Bordon Masonic Centre is fondly referred to as the “Tesco Temple”, due to the funding provided by that Supermarket Chain towards its construction – they had needed to demolish the old Temple in order to gain access to the site for their new store. The death of Bro. Tex Banwell B.E.M., N.S.C. was marked with suitable tribute and W.Bro. Derek Attree P.Pr.A.G.St.B., a stalwart of Bordon Masonry and an ex-B.S.M. of 2 Para., acted as Organist for the first time. Another Joining Member was elected and Bro. Blue Cole had the pleasure of seeing his Candidate and father, Gordon Cole initiated. Donations were made as follows: - £2,005 to the 2005 Festival for the N.M.S.F., £75 to the Prov.C.F. and £50 to the A/B.F.S.F. The W.M. thanked Bro. Hugh Calder for the beautiful Wand Holders he had presented to the Lodge and congratulated W.Bro. Louis Bonnefin on being installed as Master of Mitcham Lodge.
The decade ended with the November meeting when Bro. Richardson was passed to the second degree. During the ceremony, W.Bro. Bill King withdrew with the Entered Apprentices, a move that heralded the beginnings of mentoring.
During its first eight years the Lodge had increased its numbers from the original 27 Founders to 94 Members – an amazing success story by any Masonic standard. A total of 47 Brethren had joined and 44 had been initiated. Seven Members had died, including four Founders, 13 had resigned and four had been excluded.
Next page ... The Decade 2000 - 09